Figaro Schiavello came into our family as a gorgeous, tiny, 6 week old Italian Greyhound. He was born in Bendigo.
Originally Figs was for my eldest son Anton, however around three years ago, Anton was offered an opportunity to move to Singapore. Andrew and I decided at that time to keep Figaro with us, as we couldn't bare to let him go or upset his routine.
As a breed, Italian Greyhounds are very loyal, timid and placid. Figaro exhibits all of these traits. He is my shadow most days and often sneaks onto Andrew's warm side of the bed when he leaves for work early in the morning. He does believe he is a real cutie.
He loved going for drives with me, I love that he takes interest in what is going on around him. I miss him very much and will alway think of him when I'm busy doing my day to day tasks that he would be apart of.
Mr Fig
25/3/2008 - 04/12/2024